I wrote a brief review for Airbrake.io on Capterra and I wanted to share my experiences in more detail over here on the cb blog. I set up the service on 3 different apps, and each app had its own story to tell. In this post I’ll tell you about those 3 apps, and what we were able to find and fix thanks to Airbrake.io.
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Getting Started as a Developer: PIT Round Table
I had a great time participating in the first public Productivity in Tech round table discussion. I had a great time, and learned a lot from Jay and the other…round tablers?
You can watch the recording here, or follow @prodintech on twitter so you can participate in the next one!
Review: ASP.NET Core Quick Start
I had the pleasure of receiving a promotional copy of Steve Smith’s course: ASP.NET Core Quick Start. I recently recommended his podcast Weekly Dev Tips as my tip of the “week” and all of us CB’ers heavily referenced his Pluralsight course on the SOLID principles in Episode 7. To say I was really excited to get my hands on the course is an understatement.
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What’s your preferred job title?
We recently ran a contest asking what your preferred job title is, and the majority has spoken – the preferred term is (*essentially) “Developer”
What’s your favorite programming book?
As programmers, we’ve collected our fair share of best practices and programming references. We want to share some of our favorites and let you share any gems you’ve found along the way! [Read more…]
1,000,000+ Downloads!
Thanks to you, Coding Blocks has exceeded 1 million podcast *downloads!
When we started this podcast 3 years ago, we settled on a realistic goal of 100 downloads a month. We ended up doing a little better that first month, but we certainly didn’t expect to cross the million download mark, and we couldn’t have even begun to imagine all of the amazing people that we have met along the way.
We are looking forward to a new year full of surprises, but first we wanted to take a few minutes to celebrate a few numbers:
* 50+ episodes
* 1,000,000+ downloads
* 500+ 5 Star Reviews
* 5,000+ slack messages / week
Of those numbers, the one that excites us most is the last. The slack channel has become a place for developers of all backgrounds and experience levels to exchange ideas, help, and horror stories. We’re very proud to be members of such a cool community, and we thank you for hangin’ with us!
* Note: We pulled the download numbers from our feed hosting provider, Libsyn which attempts to de-dupe and de-bot numbers…but there’s still the very real possibility that 99% of the downloads were just us checking to see if it “worked on my machine”.
Meetup and CodeWars
Every so often somebody in slack will ask for advice on getting their first programming job. Experience is critical in the tech industry, so that first step can be a doozy.
While there is a lot of great information available on the internet, my favorite advice is short and sweet: Meetup and CodeWars
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Bang Bang Javascript
This ain’t your Jessie J, Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj JavaScript. No, it may not have the body of an hourglass, but it might have a little something in common with it! Want to find out what in the world this nonsensical talk is about and actually earn some knowledge about !! in JavaScript, then follow the link to get your learn on.
Right Outer Join, Full Outer Join, Cross Join
Picking up where we left off with part one of the video on SQL Joins, we need to continue on with another example of a RIGHT OUTER JOIN, and then follow up with a FULL OUTER JOIN and when you’d want to use something like that. And lastly, we wrap up with the CROSS JOIN and how that may come in handy. This is a fairly short video but it demonstrates each type of join mentioned above and why you’d want to use them. As always, if you have any questions or comments, definitely click into the article (if you’re not already there) and leave your thoughts there.
Also, don’t forget to check out the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher, or any number of your favorite podcast platforms which you can find on our About Us page. Please also use the share buttons below to share this on your favorite social media platform if you found this helpful!
Static Analysis of Open Source .NET Projects
Source code is the digital product of bazillions of decisions made by any number of people. There aren’t a lot of clear cut answers in the world of software development so many of these decisions end up getting made on the basis of past experiences, future projections, and…hangry-ness.
I’m a software craftsmanship enthusiast. I try to follow best practices and I try to strike the balance between principles and pragmatism. I try to make good decisions, but it’s difficult to keep perspective as the size of the projects and sheer number of decisions grow.
How do you track your progress?
How are you doing, really?
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