We are a few guys who’ve been professional programmers for years. As avid listeners of podcasts and consumers of many things code-related, we were frustrated by the lack of quality programming (pun) available in listenable formats. Given our years of experience and real-world problem solving skills, we thought it might be worth getting into this world of podcasting and “giving back” a shot.
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Allen Underwood
Allen has been a professional programmer who began his life of coding at the ripe age of 14 when he began writing code to do his math homework on the handheld TRS-80 (in Basic) given to him by his uncle. Professionally he has specialized in web specific programming for 15 years creating solutions for Fortune 100 companies. Allen is proficient in database design and performance tuning and has specialized in developing robust user interfaces using the latest Javascript and web technologies. In his “spare” time, he loves to spend time with his wife, twins and chihuahuas. As well as being a programmer, husband and father, he also dabbles in video production, runs a headphone review site, plays basketball when he can, and likes to be humbled by the younger generation in matches of the latest Call of Duty games.
Twitter: @theallenu
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/allenunderwood
Untethered Income: www.untetheredincome.com
Headphone Review Site: www.headphonereviewhq.com
Joe Zack
Joe is a Software Developer based in the Central Florida. If it weren’t for ticketing systems he would gladly refactor himself in circles all day long.
These days Joe is excited about JavaScript, Search Engines, and C#.
When he is not basking in the glow of a monitor you can find hanging out with his wife, doggies, and kitties.
Joe can be found blogging here or tweeting there.
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/joezack
Blog: joezack.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thejoezack
Michael Outlaw

Michael Outlaw is a father, husband, and software developer based out of Atlanta, GA. A fan of gadgets and all things technology, when he isn’t found behind the clickety clack of his favorite mechanical keyboard he’s usually found riding a bicycle on his favorite road or trail systems. A father of two boys, Michael often spends his free time teaching his boys how to lose with dignity as they destroy him in game franchises like Overwatch, Halo, and Call of Duty. When not sharing his love of Git, C#, and unit testing, he can be found spending his “study time” studying the sounds of guitar and music theory.
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/michaeloutlaw
Twitter: @iamwaltuo